There had been signs saying that there was a movie memorabilia auction going on, and we had seen in the show magazine, that a full size Heather Vuur figure was up for auction. We never did see what price that went for. [We have a lot of great shots of Heather that we offered to print up to life size for Mav and Uncle Gibby, but for some reason they didn’t seem all that interested once they heard the price. … Who needs a second car when you can have a life-sized Heather we reasoned (but to no avail).
Over at the Clips4Sale booth, a model was having some artwork done on her. This started to attract a lot of cameras of every kind as she uncovered her boobs while the makeup artist slowly began to spray on the body paint and construct a logo for the booth on them. [There’s a fairly famous comic from the “Blue Collar Comedy Tour” that has a bit which includes the line, “Once a guy has seen one pair of naked titties … he pretty much wants to see them all.” … If you don’t know of the “Blue Collar Comedy Tour” by the way, this would constitute an excellent reason to move to America. As long as you stay out of Seattle, it rains a lot less than it does in London too.]
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Clips4Sale model getting body paint added |
The UK company Bluebird Films once again had their angels going around the convention handing out stuff and getting lots of pictures taken of them. Hope they were paying them well to walk around all the days of the convention with those big wings on their back. [Hmm. Think about this, Mav: … UK Company … paying well. … Do you see anything at all wrong with your premise here?]
During a walk around, Uncle Gibby pointed out that Lexi Love was just about to walk by me. How did I miss that?! [My guess would be that the weight of the beans had driven his eye-line almost directly toward the ground by this point.] I gently tapped Lexi’s arm as she walked by and said hi. She smiled and gave me a hug and asked how I was doing. I told her I was doing well and that I had her beans. I explained that I’d been looking but hadn’t seen her signing. She said she been stuck in LA traffic and had just arrived. I told her we’d give her time to find her booth, and then we’d drop by to drop off the beans. [Gee. You mean she didn’t immediately start jumping up and down screaming, “Give me the beans. Give them to me NOW?!” … Go figure.]
Alexis Amore was attracting big crowds over at her own small booth. She even had a big poster hanging in front of her booth that was catching a lot of people’s attention. [And if you’d seen the poster, the following quip would make a lot of sense: When her moon hits your eye, on her big poster, why, that’s Amore. … Sorry, I get punchy with these really long posts. Just be glad that we talked Maverick out of putting up both the convention days as one post. EEEK!]
At the FAME awards booth, Kayden Kross was enjoying her time signing for the fans. It’s then we saw the Lexi Love was at the same booth in a tight fitting black dress. [And don’t think it was easy getting that little dress on the booth either.] Lexi noticed us waiting patiently while some fans got pictures taken with her and signed stuff and waved at us. Hey, weren’t in a rush, and we were in the final few feet of our incredible journey – with our special delivery for Lexi. Once the fans had gone, she came over and gave me another hug. I think Lexi loves giving hugs or was maybe looking for more beans about my person.
I produced the beans from my backpack and told her I hoped they were the right ones. She smiled and said that when she’d last tried them in England the traditional way required eating them on some toast. [Wouldn’t you know it? Mav forgot to bring English Toast with him too. … Of all the rotten luck … .] She even asked if I wanted her to pose with them for some pictures. Hey, it’s all content as our buddy D.Minion likes to say. Not wanting to take up too much of her time, I said we’d see her during the course of the convention. She thanked me again for the beans, and I think she was so happy to get them that she even told the next guy to approach her booth that I’d brought beans all the way from England. The look on the guy’s face was priceless as in that he looked confused and didn’t know how to take that statement. [Just imagine how confused he looked after Mav left when Lexi’s next question to him was, “Do you want these silly beans?”]
We didn’t notice it until we looked at our pictures while writing this report, but Lexi must really like English beans as we noticed her fingernails are painted the same colour as the label on the tins! [Right. I’m sure that’s it. … Lexi loves English beans … and she’s psychic.]
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Lexi Love and a little piece of England in her hands |